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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Get Juiced!

I am very fonded of juicy things.Actually,it's the only way to force myself 'eating' those fruits in the form of liquid
(i hate most of the fruits,dunno why..)

Well,taking the juicy stuffs should be a persistent obligation among people who is currently in diet.But did you know,drinking them may soaring up the rate of human memory's space?!
(Just like the blueberry,in the previous topic)

A human-made research from Vanderbilt University,tested by over 1600 responder,had observed that drinking fresh fruity juice (or vegetable) could reduce the chance of experiencing dimensia (a sort of incapability memorizing problem),in about 76 percentages of them!

Hence,it's better to build your daily juicy intake,now!

(3 times per day is advisable....)

Reference : MIDI

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