Everyone can't resist the fact of being alone at least once in their whole life.This is particularly obvious for those late-aged person who lost their beloved one.The person would typically undergo the loneness in a long term of time,depends on what they have lost in their meaningful life.But in the other hand,the person might face the situation in just a blink,unexpectedly!Even though there is no actual statistics,the progress is somehow worldwidely known and experienced at all ages.
Nevertheless,being alone with the attached sorrow is not a good thing in the first place.Moreover,it could lead someone into an emotion-threatening.The person,however is actually encounter two related problems,that are the loneness,and the consequence ; depression.If left unsolved,the problems may grow gradually into another advance severe psychology diseases.To make it worse enough,almost all cases of mental-disorder are basically comes from the long exposure of being silencing without any effort to crowd it back.
In this blog,i would give a few solutions that could be very helpful for those person.Do these frequently,and you may notice the effectiveness.
-Go for a walk,and remember to bring along a company.
-Don't bother to change your appearance from nothing to a happy-go-lucky person.
-Try to find all sort of entertainment,even clapping both hands could be one of them.
-Build your own social life,but don't go too far,just make it moderate.
-Find yourself a compatible spouse.Don't attempt to seek for a finicky one.
-Buy a pet,train it to be your adoptive best friend.From there,you can also learn how to talk wisely to it.
-Go for an oversea vacation is advisable (especially London)
-Throw away every object that have a high tendency to bring your life into senseless for a second time.Such as your late wife pictures.But,if you find it too hard to accomplish,just keep those things chained in your store,don't reopen it anymore.
-Expand your hobbies,to make it more efficient,proceed a new one.
-Find an entertaining place to re-heal your loneness.
-If your depression and silence moment become unbearable,you can also try to do some freak things!Like wearing a teddy suit in the public,eating a crude burger's meat,share your lunch with your pet,counting a sheep's furs,chasing your own shadow,knocking someone's door and then run away,run against the wall,drinking a mixture of soda and lemonade,and so much more!These sounds a little bizarre,but trust me,they are said to reduce the leaking bore of a lonely situation. (",)
-Last but not least,consult for a psychology treatment,and get yourself motivated.
It is truly a homage for me if these solutions work fine within your life.
In a nut of shell,the two related problems are persistently detrimental to a human health.Hence,give your soul a chance to reform.Bring that sorrow to the end,put the meditate to a stop,unleash your new world instead! ROCK OUT YOUR LIFE!!!